Chris D. Price
Founder / President

Make Great People Decisions, and Engage People as Partners -- to Accelerate your Organization.

For over 25 years, in over 25 countries – in corporate mergers, leadership & team development, culture improvement, and talent management – I’ve led and coached teams where people were fully engaged as Partners – to methodically improve the organization every single day.
And I’ve also experienced firsthand people being treated like Prisoners. I’ve seen organizations squander hundreds of millions in resources - Money, Ideas, People, Time, and Execution. Everything from the inefficient and wasted meeting, to the widespread destruction of wealth and momentum.
My mission is to kill resource squandering in organizations around the world – making them better places to Live…Work…Profit…and Serve.
Why? Because when you reduce the squandering, you allow the natural momentum of Propulsion to grow – with direct positive impact to your Production, Innovation, and Financial Performance.
My background includes leading and coaching leaders and teams in the Americas, Russia, Asia, East & West Europe, and Great Britain – with over 25 years of international experience in corporate merger, culture integration, leadership & team development, and process design efforts.
As a Global Talent Management Expert, I’m professionally certified in a variety of Assessment & Development solutions proven to improve organizations in the critical business areas of Hiring, Development, Coaching, and Talent Planning. We help you effectively implement the world's best solutions, at a fraction of the cost of the large consulting firms. They make things Complex. We Make People & Culture Simple.
Making People & Culture Simple is about this -- Choose the Right People and Engage them as Partners. This creates the Culture for Innovation & Productivity, and that drives Success. At Price Leadership Group, we help you do exactly that.
You're already Good, are you ready to get even Better?